Sudoku is a popular puzzle game in newspapers and mobile apps. The Sudoku board is a 9 × 9 grid in which the player must place the digits 1 to 9 once, and only once, in each row, column, and 3 × 3 subgrid. The game begins with a few spaces already filled in with digits, called givens. A well-formed Sudoku puzzle will have only one possible valid solution.
When you run, the output will look like this:
Sudoku Puzzle, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
1 . . . | . . . | . . .
2 . 7 9 | . 5 . | 1 8 .
3 8 . . | . . . | . . 7
4 . . 7 | 3 . 6 | 8 . .
5 4 5 . | 7 . 8 | . 9 6
6 . . 3 | 5 . 2 | 7 . .
7 7 . . | . . . | . . 5
8 . 1 6 | . 3 . | 4 2 .
9 . . . | . . . | . . .
Enter a move, or RESET, NEW, UNDO, ORIGINAL, or QUIT:
(For example, a move looks like "B4 9".)
Objects of the SudokuGrid
class are the data structures that represent the Sudoku grid. You can call their methods to make modifications to, or retrieve information about, the grid. For example, the makeMove()
method places a number on the grid, the resetGrid()
method restores the grid to its original state, and isSolved()
returns True
if all the solution’s numbers have been placed on the grid.
The main part of the program, starting on line 141, uses a SudokuGrid
object and its methods for this game, but you could also copy and paste this class into other Sudoku programs you create to reuse its functionality.
1. """Sudoku Puzzle, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
2. The classic 9x9 number placement puzzle.
3. More info at
4. This code is available at
5. Tags: large, game, object-oriented, puzzle"""
7. import copy, random, sys
9. # This game requires a sudokupuzzle.txt file that contains the puzzles.
10. # Download it from
11. # Here's a sample of the content in this file:
12. # ..3.2.6..9..3.5..1..18.64....81.29..7.......8..67.82....26.95..8..2.3..9..5.1.3..
13. # 2...8.3...6..7..84.3.5..2.9...1.54.8.........4.27.6...3.1..7.4.72..4..6...4.1...3
14. # ......9.7...42.18....7.5.261..9.4....5.....4....5.7..992.1.8....34.59...5.7......
15. # .3..5..4...8.1.5..46.....
17. # Set up the constants:
18. EMPTY_SPACE = '.'
20. BOX_LENGTH = 3
24. class SudokuGrid:
25. def __init__(self, originalSetup):
26. # originalSetup is a string of 81 characters for the puzzle
27. # setup, with numbers and periods (for the blank spaces).
28. # See
29. self.originalSetup = originalSetup
31. # The state of the sudoku grid is represented by a dictionary
32. # with (x, y) keys and values of the number (as a string) at
33. # that space.
34. self.grid = {}
35. self.resetGrid() # Set the grid state to its original setup.
36. self.moves = [] # Tracks each move for the undo feature.
38. def resetGrid(self):
39. """Reset the state of the grid, tracked by self.grid, to the
40. state in self.originalSetup."""
41. for x in range(1, GRID_LENGTH + 1):
42. for y in range(1, GRID_LENGTH + 1):
43. self.grid[(x, y)] = EMPTY_SPACE
45. assert len(self.originalSetup) == FULL_GRID_SIZE
46. i = 0 # i goes from 0 to 80
47. y = 0 # y goes from 0 to 8
48. while i < FULL_GRID_SIZE:
49. for x in range(GRID_LENGTH):
50. self.grid[(x, y)] = self.originalSetup[i]
51. i += 1
52. y += 1
54. def makeMove(self, column, row, number):
55. """Place the number at the column (a letter from A to I) and row
56. (an integer from 1 to 9) on the grid."""
57. x = 'ABCDEFGHI'.find(column) # Convert this to an integer.
58. y = int(row) - 1
60. # Check if the move is being made on a "given" number:
61. if self.originalSetup[y * GRID_LENGTH + x] != EMPTY_SPACE:
62. return False
64. self.grid[(x, y)] = number # Place this number on the grid.
66. # We need to store a separate copy of the dictionary object:
67. self.moves.append(copy.copy(self.grid))
68. return True
70. def undo(self):
71. """Set the current grid state to the previous state in the
72. self.moves list."""
73. if self.moves == []:
74. return # No states in self.moves, so do nothing.
76. self.moves.pop() # Remove the current state.
78. if self.moves == []:
79. self.resetGrid()
80. else:
81. # set the grid to the last move.
82. self.grid = copy.copy(self.moves[-1])
84. def display(self):
85. """Display the current state of the grid on the screen."""
86. print(' A B C D E F G H I') # Display column labels.
87. for y in range(GRID_LENGTH):
88. for x in range(GRID_LENGTH):
89. if x == 0:
90. # Display row label:
91. print(str(y + 1) + ' ', end='')
93. print(self.grid[(x, y)] + ' ', end='')
94. if x == 2 or x == 5:
95. # Display a vertical line:
96. print('| ', end='')
97. print() # Print a newline.
99. if y == 2 or y == 5:
100. # Display a horizontal line:
101. print(' ------+-------+------')
103. def _isCompleteSetOfNumbers(self, numbers):
104. """Return True if numbers contains the digits 1 through 9."""
105. return sorted(numbers) == list('123456789')
107. def isSolved(self):
108. """Returns True if the current grid is in a solved state."""
109. # Check each row:
110. for row in range(GRID_LENGTH):
111. rowNumbers = []
112. for x in range(GRID_LENGTH):
113. number = self.grid[(x, row)]
114. rowNumbers.append(number)
115. if not self._isCompleteSetOfNumbers(rowNumbers):
116. return False
118. # Check each column:
119. for column in range(GRID_LENGTH):
120. columnNumbers = []
121. for y in range(GRID_LENGTH):
122. number = self.grid[(column, y)]
123. columnNumbers.append(number)
124. if not self._isCompleteSetOfNumbers(columnNumbers):
125. return False
127. # Check each box:
128. for boxx in (0, 3, 6):
129. for boxy in (0, 3, 6):
130. boxNumbers = []
131. for x in range(BOX_LENGTH):
132. for y in range(BOX_LENGTH):
133. number = self.grid[(boxx + x, boxy + y)]
134. boxNumbers.append(number)
135. if not self._isCompleteSetOfNumbers(boxNumbers):
136. return False
138. return True
141. print('''Sudoku Puzzle, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
143. Sudoku is a number placement logic puzzle game. A Sudoku grid is a 9x9
144. grid of numbers. Try to place numbers in the grid such that every row,
145. column, and 3x3 box has the numbers 1 through 9 once and only once.
147. For example, here is a starting Sudoku grid and its solved form:
149. 5 3 . | . 7 . | . . . 5 3 4 | 6 7 8 | 9 1 2
150. 6 . . | 1 9 5 | . . . 6 7 2 | 1 9 5 | 3 4 8
151. . 9 8 | . . . | . 6 . 1 9 8 | 3 4 2 | 5 6 7
152. ------+-------+------ ------+-------+------
153. 8 . . | . 6 . | . . 3 8 5 9 | 7 6 1 | 4 2 3
154. 4 . . | 8 . 3 | . . 1 --> 4 2 6 | 8 5 3 | 7 9 1
155. 7 . . | . 2 . | . . 6 7 1 3 | 9 2 4 | 8 5 6
156. ------+-------+------ ------+-------+------
157. . 6 . | . . . | 2 8 . 9 6 1 | 5 3 7 | 2 8 4
158. . . . | 4 1 9 | . . 5 2 8 7 | 4 1 9 | 6 3 5
159. . . . | . 8 . | . 7 9 3 4 5 | 2 8 6 | 1 7 9
160. ''')
161. input('Press Enter to begin...')
164. # Load the sudokupuzzles.txt file:
165. with open('sudokupuzzles.txt') as puzzleFile:
166. puzzles = puzzleFile.readlines()
168. # Remove the newlines at the end of each puzzle:
169. for i, puzzle in enumerate(puzzles):
170. puzzles[i] = puzzle.strip()
172. grid = SudokuGrid(random.choice(puzzles))
174. while True: # Main game loop.
175. grid.display()
177. # Check if the puzzle is solved.
178. if grid.isSolved():
179. print('Congratulations! You solved the puzzle!')
180. print('Thanks for playing!')
181. sys.exit()
183. # Get the player's action:
184. while True: # Keep asking until the player enters a valid action.
185. print() # Print a newline.
186. print('Enter a move, or RESET, NEW, UNDO, ORIGINAL, or QUIT:')
187. print('(For example, a move looks like "B4 9".)')
189. action = input('> ').upper().strip()
191. if len(action) > 0 and action[0] in ('R', 'N', 'U', 'O', 'Q'):
192. # Player entered a valid action.
193. break
195. if len(action.split()) == 2:
196. space, number = action.split()
197. if len(space) != 2:
198. continue
200. column, row = space
201. if column not in list('ABCDEFGHI'):
202. print('There is no column', column)
203. continue
204. if not row.isdecimal() or not (1 <= int(row) <= 9):
205. print('There is no row', row)
206. continue
207. if not (1 <= int(number) <= 9):
208. print('Select a number from 1 to 9, not ', number)
209. continue
210. break # Player entered a valid move.
212. print() # Print a newline.
214. if action.startswith('R'):
215. # Reset the grid:
216. grid.resetGrid()
217. continue
219. if action.startswith('N'):
220. # Get a new puzzle:
221. grid = SudokuGrid(random.choice(puzzles))
222. continue
224. if action.startswith('U'):
225. # Undo the last move:
226. grid.undo()
227. continue
229. if action.startswith('O'):
230. # View the original numbers:
231. originalGrid = SudokuGrid(grid.originalSetup)
232. print('The original grid looked like this:')
233. originalGrid.display()
234. input('Press Enter to continue...')
236. if action.startswith('Q'):
237. # Quit the game.
238. print('Thanks for playing!')
239. sys.exit()
241. # Handle the move the player selected.
242. if grid.makeMove(column, row, number) == False:
243. print('You cannot overwrite the original grid\'s numbers.')
244. print('Enter ORIGINAL to view the original grid.')
245. input('Press Enter to continue...')
Try to find the answers to the following questions. Experiment with some modifications to the code and rerun the program to see what effect the changes have.
str(y + 1)
on line 91 to str(y)
?if y == 2 or y == 5:
on line 99 to if y == 1 or y == 6: