The Invent with Python Blog

Writings from the author of Automate the Boring Stuff.

Free Coupon Codes for My Online Courses

Thu 26 March 2020    Al Sweigart

Hello! I've probably sent you this link after you've asked about getting a discount or free code to my online Udemy course, "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python". Unfortunately, in 2019 Udemy changed their promo code policy so that I'm severely limited in how often I can give codes out. In response, I've made the following link:

This URL will always redirect you to the lowest price possible. For the first six days of each month, it redirects to the free codes that I make for the course. The rest of the month it redirects to a 70% discount code that lowers the price from $50 to about $14. This is the maximum discount I'm allowed to provide.

You can also view the first 15 of the 50 videos from the course on my YouTube channel with this link. If you like the course, please use the above link to purchase it.

Please do use the; I get a much higher percentage of the course fee when people use my link as opposed to finding the course on their own through the Udemy site.

If this link doesn't work for some reason, you can try to manually enter the code. Each month's $14 code is the month and year. For example, in 2020 the codes are JAN2020, FEB2020, MAR2020, APR2020, MAY2020, JUN2020, JUL2020, AUG2020, SEP2020, OCT2020, NOV2020, DEC2020. The free code (which only works from the 1st to the 3rd of each month) has the suffix "FREE": JAN2020FREE, FEB2020FREE, and so on. These free codes expire after 3 days, so from the 4th to the 6th the code is JAN2020FREE2, FEB2020FREE2, and so on.

Thanks for your interest in my course. However, I'm unable to make additional free codes aside from the ones outlined in this post. Please don't contact me repeatedly asking for free codes; you can watch the first 15 videos for free on YouTube and wait for the next month's free code period.

You can always read the book that the course is based on, as well as all of my programming books, for free on

Learn to program for free with my books for beginners:

Sign up for my "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" online course with this discount link.

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