The Invent with Python Blog

Writings from the author of Automate the Boring Stuff.

Book Review: Make Python Talk

Thu 13 January 2022    Al Sweigart

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Ebook free with print book purchase from No Starch Press.

Mark H. Liu’s “Make Python Talk” is a solid book for anyone who wants to leverage the power of the Python programming language to add speech capabilities to their programs. The chapters cover third-party libraries for speech recognition and text-to-speech in an engaging way. This book is more than a dry reference for these libraries, but also contains several example projects demonstrating how you can use these speech features in a variety of contexts. You don’t have to have computer science expertise to add these advanced features to your own projects; Liu’s book presents these speech software libraries with clarity and ease.

If you’ve stumbled through the documentation for Python’s speech libraries but are still unsure of how to actually make effective use of them, I recommend you give Make Python Talk a look.

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