You are trapped in a maze with hungry robots! You don’t know why robots need to eat, but you don’t want to find out. The robots are badly programmed and will move directly toward you, even if blocked by walls. You must trick the robots into crashing into each other (or dead robots) without being caught.
You have a personal teleporter device that can send you to a random new place, but it only has enough battery for two trips. Also, you and the robots can slip through corners!
When you run, the output will look like this:
Hungry Robots, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
░ ░ R R ░ ░ ░
░ ░ ░░░ R░ ░░ ░
░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░░░ ░
░ R░ ░ ░ ░░ ░░ ░ ░
░ ░░ ░ ░ ░░░ ░ ░ ░
░ ░░ ░ RX░░░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░
░ ░ R R R ░ ░ ░
░ ░ ░ ░ ░ R ░ ░
░ ░ R R ░ R ░ R ░
░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░
░ @ ░ ░ R░░░ ░ ░
░ ░ ░░ ░░ ░ ░
░ ░ ░░ ░ ░ R ░░
░░X ░ ░ ░ R ░░RR ░ R ░
░RR R R ░ ░ ░ R░
░ ░░ RRR R ░
░ ░░R ░ ░
░ R ░ ░ ░ ░
(T)eleports remaining: 2
(Q) (W) ( )
(A) (S) (D)
Enter move or QUIT: (Z) (X) ( )
The x- and y- Cartesian coordinates that represent positions in this game allow us to use math to determine the direction in which the robots should move. In programming, x-coordinates increase going right, and y-coordinates increase going down. This means that if the robot’s x-coordinate is larger than the player’s coordinate, it should move left (that is, the code should subtract from its current x-coordinate) to move closer to the player. If the robot’s x-coordinate is smaller, it should move right (that is, the code should add to its current x-coordinate) instead. The same applies to moving up and down based on their relative y-coordinates.
1. """Hungry Robots, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
2. Escape the hungry robots by making them crash into each other.
3. This code is available at
4. Tags: large, game"""
6. import random, sys
8. # Set up the constants:
9. WIDTH = 40 # (!) Try changing this to 70 or 10.
10. HEIGHT = 20 # (!) Try changing this to 10.
11. NUM_ROBOTS = 10 # (!) Try changing this to 1 or 30.
12. NUM_TELEPORTS = 2 # (!) Try changing this to 0 or 9999.
13. NUM_DEAD_ROBOTS = 2 # (!) Try changing this to 0 or 20.
14. NUM_WALLS = 100 # (!) Try changing this to 0 or 300.
16. EMPTY_SPACE = ' ' # (!) Try changing this to '.'.
17. PLAYER = '@' # (!) Try changing this to 'R'.
18. ROBOT = 'R' # (!) Try changing this to '@'.
19. DEAD_ROBOT = 'X' # (!) Try changing this to 'R'.
21. # (!) Try changing this to '#' or 'O' or ' ':
22. WALL = chr(9617) # Character 9617 is '░'
25. def main():
26. print('''Hungry Robots, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
28. You are trapped in a maze with hungry robots! You don't know why robots
29. need to eat, but you don't want to find out. The robots are badly
30. programmed and will move directly toward you, even if blocked by walls.
31. You must trick the robots into crashing into each other (or dead robots)
32. without being caught. You have a personal teleporter device, but it only
33. has enough battery for {} trips. Keep in mind, you and robots can slip
34. through the corners of two diagonal walls!
35. '''.format(NUM_TELEPORTS))
37. input('Press Enter to begin...')
39. # Set up a new game:
40. board = getNewBoard()
41. robots = addRobots(board)
42. playerPosition = getRandomEmptySpace(board, robots)
43. while True: # Main game loop.
44. displayBoard(board, robots, playerPosition)
46. if len(robots) == 0: # Check if the player has won.
47. print('All the robots have crashed into each other and you')
48. print('lived to tell the tale! Good job!')
49. sys.exit()
51. # Move the player and robots:
52. playerPosition = askForPlayerMove(board, robots, playerPosition)
53. robots = moveRobots(board, robots, playerPosition)
55. for x, y in robots: # Check if the player has lost.
56. if (x, y) == playerPosition:
57. displayBoard(board, robots, playerPosition)
58. print('You have been caught by a robot!')
59. sys.exit()
62. def getNewBoard():
63. """Returns a dictionary that represents the board. The keys are
64. (x, y) tuples of integer indexes for board positions, the values are
65. WALL, EMPTY_SPACE, or DEAD_ROBOT. The dictionary also has the key
66. 'teleports' for the number of teleports the player has left.
67. The living robots are stored separately from the board dictionary."""
68. board = {'teleports': NUM_TELEPORTS}
70. # Create an empty board:
71. for x in range(WIDTH):
72. for y in range(HEIGHT):
73. board[(x, y)] = EMPTY_SPACE
75. # Add walls on the edges of the board:
76. for x in range(WIDTH):
77. board[(x, 0)] = WALL # Make top wall.
78. board[(x, HEIGHT - 1)] = WALL # Make bottom wall.
79. for y in range(HEIGHT):
80. board[(0, y)] = WALL # Make left wall.
81. board[(WIDTH - 1, y)] = WALL # Make right wall.
83. # Add the random walls:
84. for i in range(NUM_WALLS):
85. x, y = getRandomEmptySpace(board, [])
86. board[(x, y)] = WALL
88. # Add the starting dead robots:
89. for i in range(NUM_DEAD_ROBOTS):
90. x, y = getRandomEmptySpace(board, [])
91. board[(x, y)] = DEAD_ROBOT
92. return board
95. def getRandomEmptySpace(board, robots):
96. """Return a (x, y) integer tuple of an empty space on the board."""
97. while True:
98. randomX = random.randint(1, WIDTH - 2)
99. randomY = random.randint(1, HEIGHT - 2)
100. if isEmpty(randomX, randomY, board, robots):
101. break
102. return (randomX, randomY)
105. def isEmpty(x, y, board, robots):
106. """Return True if the (x, y) is empty on the board and there's also
107. no robot there."""
108. return board[(x, y)] == EMPTY_SPACE and (x, y) not in robots
111. def addRobots(board):
112. """Add NUM_ROBOTS number of robots to empty spaces on the board and
113. return a list of these (x, y) spaces where robots are now located."""
114. robots = []
115. for i in range(NUM_ROBOTS):
116. x, y = getRandomEmptySpace(board, robots)
117. robots.append((x, y))
118. return robots
121. def displayBoard(board, robots, playerPosition):
122. """Display the board, robots, and player on the screen."""
123. # Loop over every space on the board:
124. for y in range(HEIGHT):
125. for x in range(WIDTH):
126. # Draw the appropriate character:
127. if board[(x, y)] == WALL:
128. print(WALL, end='')
129. elif board[(x, y)] == DEAD_ROBOT:
130. print(DEAD_ROBOT, end='')
131. elif (x, y) == playerPosition:
132. print(PLAYER, end='')
133. elif (x, y) in robots:
134. print(ROBOT, end='')
135. else:
136. print(EMPTY_SPACE, end='')
137. print() # Print a newline.
140. def askForPlayerMove(board, robots, playerPosition):
141. """Returns the (x, y) integer tuple of the place the player moves
142. next, given their current location and the walls of the board."""
143. playerX, playerY = playerPosition
145. # Find which directions aren't blocked by a wall:
146. q = 'Q' if isEmpty(playerX - 1, playerY - 1, board, robots) else ' '
147. w = 'W' if isEmpty(playerX + 0, playerY - 1, board, robots) else ' '
148. e = 'E' if isEmpty(playerX + 1, playerY - 1, board, robots) else ' '
149. d = 'D' if isEmpty(playerX + 1, playerY + 0, board, robots) else ' '
150. c = 'C' if isEmpty(playerX + 1, playerY + 1, board, robots) else ' '
151. x = 'X' if isEmpty(playerX + 0, playerY + 1, board, robots) else ' '
152. z = 'Z' if isEmpty(playerX - 1, playerY + 1, board, robots) else ' '
153. a = 'A' if isEmpty(playerX - 1, playerY + 0, board, robots) else ' '
154. allMoves = (q + w + e + d + c + x + a + z + 'S')
156. while True:
157. # Get player's move:
158. print('(T)eleports remaining: {}'.format(board["teleports"]))
159. print(' ({}) ({}) ({})'.format(q, w, e))
160. print(' ({}) (S) ({})'.format(a, d))
161. print('Enter move or QUIT: ({}) ({}) ({})'.format(z, x, c))
163. move = input('> ').upper()
164. if move == 'QUIT':
165. print('Thanks for playing!')
166. sys.exit()
167. elif move == 'T' and board['teleports'] > 0:
168. # Teleport the player to a random empty space:
169. board['teleports'] -= 1
170. return getRandomEmptySpace(board, robots)
171. elif move != '' and move in allMoves:
172. # Return the new player position based on their move:
173. return {'Q': (playerX - 1, playerY - 1),
174. 'W': (playerX + 0, playerY - 1),
175. 'E': (playerX + 1, playerY - 1),
176. 'D': (playerX + 1, playerY + 0),
177. 'C': (playerX + 1, playerY + 1),
178. 'X': (playerX + 0, playerY + 1),
179. 'Z': (playerX - 1, playerY + 1),
180. 'A': (playerX - 1, playerY + 0),
181. 'S': (playerX, playerY)}[move]
184. def moveRobots(board, robotPositions, playerPosition):
185. """Return a list of (x, y) tuples of new robot positions after they
186. have tried to move toward the player."""
187. playerx, playery = playerPosition
188. nextRobotPositions = []
190. while len(robotPositions) > 0:
191. robotx, roboty = robotPositions[0]
193. # Determine the direction the robot moves.
194. if robotx < playerx:
195. movex = 1 # Move right.
196. elif robotx > playerx:
197. movex = -1 # Move left.
198. elif robotx == playerx:
199. movex = 0 # Don't move horizontally.
201. if roboty < playery:
202. movey = 1 # Move up.
203. elif roboty > playery:
204. movey = -1 # Move down.
205. elif roboty == playery:
206. movey = 0 # Don't move vertically.
208. # Check if the robot would run into a wall, and adjust course:
209. if board[(robotx + movex, roboty + movey)] == WALL:
210. # Robot would run into a wall, so come up with a new move:
211. if board[(robotx + movex, roboty)] == EMPTY_SPACE:
212. movey = 0 # Robot can't move horizontally.
213. elif board[(robotx, roboty + movey)] == EMPTY_SPACE:
214. movex = 0 # Robot can't move vertically.
215. else:
216. # Robot can't move.
217. movex = 0
218. movey = 0
219. newRobotx = robotx + movex
220. newRoboty = roboty + movey
222. if (board[(robotx, roboty)] == DEAD_ROBOT
223. or board[(newRobotx, newRoboty)] == DEAD_ROBOT):
224. # Robot is at a crash site, remove it.
225. del robotPositions[0]
226. continue
228. # Check if it moves into a robot, then destroy both robots:
229. if (newRobotx, newRoboty) in nextRobotPositions:
230. board[(newRobotx, newRoboty)] = DEAD_ROBOT
231. nextRobotPositions.remove((newRobotx, newRoboty))
232. else:
233. nextRobotPositions.append((newRobotx, newRoboty))
235. # Remove robots from robotPositions as they move.
236. del robotPositions[0]
237. return nextRobotPositions
240. # If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
241. if __name__ == '__main__':
242. main()
After entering the source code and running it a few times, try making experimental changes to it. The comments marked with (!)
have suggestions for small changes you can make. On your own, you can also try to figure out how to do the following:
Try to find the answers to the following questions. Experiment with some modifications to the code and rerun the program to see what effect the changes have.
WALL = chr(9617)
on line 22 to WALL = 'R'
?return nextRobotPositions
on line 237 to return robotPositions
?displayBoard(board, robots, playerPosition)
on line 44?robots = moveRobots(board, robots, playerPosition)
on line 53?