Recursion Is Not A Superpower: An Iterative Ackermann
Sun 05 September 2021 Al Sweigart
Writings from the author of Automate the Boring Stuff.
Sun 05 September 2021 Al Sweigart
Sat 28 August 2021 Al Sweigart
Mon 02 August 2021 Al Sweigart
I created the bitfielddraw
Python module so that you could turn math formulas into .png image files.
Sat 10 July 2021 Al Sweigart
The Charisma Machine by Morgan G. Ames is the cautionary tale everyone in tech should read. Five stars.
Sat 03 July 2021 Al Sweigart
module already exists. Includes working code examples.
Sat 26 June 2021 Al Sweigart
My new book, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, is now available from No Starch Press. It's free to read online under a Creative Commons license. This book contains 81 small but complete programming projects written in Python. These projects are designed to help new programmers who have learned the basics see what real programs "look like". These aren't code snippets, but actual, full programs that you can run. At the same time, they are small enough so that their source code is easy to understand.
Sun 07 March 2021 Al Sweigart
In March 2020, just before the lockdowns would begin, I gave the opening keynote at PyTennessee 2020. Unfortunately, it wasn't recorded. But I still have the script I used and so I re-recorded the talk. I've posted it to my YouTube channel.
Sat 06 March 2021 Al Sweigart
Mon 11 January 2021 Al Sweigart
Extracting text as string values from images is called optical character recognition (OCR) or simply text recognition. This blog post tells you how to run the Tesseract OCR engine from Python. Includes working code examples.
Mon 11 January 2021 Al Sweigart
This tutorial teaches you about Pip, a package manager that installs third-party packages for Python.
Thu 24 December 2020 Al Sweigart
Fri 18 September 2020 Al Sweigart
watch "git status"
in one and watch "git log -oneline"
in the other so you can get live feedback as you enter Git commands.
Thu 26 March 2020 Al Sweigart
Information about how to sign up for my Python course on Udemy for free or at a discounted rate.
Tue 31 December 2019 Al Sweigart
Sun 24 November 2019 Al Sweigart
A quick guide to using type hints in Python.
Tue 12 November 2019 Al Sweigart
5 Stars: An excellent project-based book for young readers who want to move beyond Scratch
Code This Game is an excellent book that teaches Python programming by guiding the reader through making a tower-defense game from scratch. This is a book that doesn't shy away from programming detail, but manages to remain fun and engaging. If you have a student or child who wants to move beyond MIT's Scratch programming tool and do "real" programming, this is a great book.
Sun 20 October 2019 Al Sweigart
Mon 07 October 2019 Al Sweigart
Here are all the new additions and updates in the second edition.
Thu 15 August 2019 Al Sweigart
Wed 05 June 2019 Al Sweigart