The Invent with Python Blog

Writings from the author of Automate the Boring Stuff.

New Book: The Recursive Book of Recursion by Al Sweigart

Tue 09 August 2022    Al Sweigart

My new programming book, the Recursive Book of Recursion, is released in August 2022. The book covers several classic recursive algorithms and breaks down recursion's fearsome reputation as a programming technique. The book has the code for its numerous programs in both Python and JavaScript. When you buy it direct from the publisher, No Starch Press, you'll receive a DRM-free ebook copy with your print book order.


New Book: The Big Book of Small Python Projects

Sat 26 June 2021    Al Sweigart

My new book, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, is now available from No Starch Press. It's free to read online under a Creative Commons license. This book contains 81 small but complete programming projects written in Python. These projects are designed to help new programmers who have learned the basics see what real programs "look like". These aren't code snippets, but actual, full programs that you can run. At the same time, they are small enough so that their source code is easy to understand.